Monday, May 10, 2010

today opening

today is my 1 day older than yesterday... yurp ... im 27 and 1 day today.... Hhuhuhu .. this moring i looked at my face that i getting older... and life have to go on also.. hahahha what to do??? i cannot reversed my age mahhhh

i recieved phone call from my dad today... hmmmm well i quite buzy with my brother wedding ... he will get marry very soon and become a dad... im so excited hahhahah .. macam lah sia yang mo kawin.. but anyway .. im going back this friday to help my dad for the preparations...

banyak lagi mo buat .... my dad said want to renovate the house lah ... bla--bla--bla ... until we cant stop talking the same thing everyday...

so open this blog , to express my day experience to all of u.. as my officemate so tired to layan me everyday with my unstoppable mouth... hahhahah

so enjoy and have a nice day